
Penguin app icon
Voice gaming platform
Redwood fitness
JavaScript framework logo
Gift app
Dreaming owl logo for a stationary brand
MS musical monogram
Pinnacle III
Support ninja


CityX is a talent driven digital agency, we work hard to provide our clients with fresh and creative solutions for their projects. Our goal is to help our clients reach the maximum potential from their product by using innovation, creativity, insight and friendly attitude. :D
Check us out : http://cityxgroup.com

Member since: October 21, 2014


"Professional, good communicator, and correctly set and met expectations while delivering a great final product!"
Profile picturekbselander reviewed over 4 years ago
"We started off a little bumpy because I didn't clearly communicate my vision. But CityX was able to adjust and respond quickly, changing direction mid-project. I was impressed!"
Anonymous client reviewed about 5 years ago
"I love the design. Designer is awesome and I hope to work with them again."
Profile picturemwinkler reviewed about 5 years ago
"Very good work and fair pricing. Was very patient through my revision requests! Thank you!"
Profile pictureBrian Edwards reviewed over 5 years ago
"Easy to work with and professional"
Profile picturekbselander reviewed over 5 years ago