Your organization’s culture: It’s either an asset or a liability. At this very moment, it’s either lifting your business performance or “eating your strategy for breakfast.”
How do you ensure it’s the former, not the latter? Based on the authors’ 20+ years of research, the answer couldn’t be clearer: Intentionally or unintentionally, you create culture through the signals you transmit on Five Frequencies®:
1. Your decisions and actions
2. What you reward and recognize
3. What you tolerate (or don’t)
4. How you show up informally
5. Your formal communications
To make a bad culture good, or a good culture great, you’ve got to deliberately transmit strong and steady signals. This guide shows you how. Fast-paced and loaded with real-life examples, Five Frequencies prescribes more than 20 practical Signal Boosts for turning culture into competitive advantage.